Contact Us

Thanks for visiting my website. I’m Brion Hurley, and this is a dedicated page specific to Lean Six Sigma and the Environment. I use the term Earth Consultant to describe what I do, thus the references you see around the website.

I run a consulting business in Saint Louis, Missouri called Business Performance Improvement, which covers broader applications of connection between Lean Six Sigma and Sustainability. You can find a dedicated page about Lean Six Sigma and People at my site, Lean Six Sigma for Good.

I have worked on numerous sustainability initiatives, provided training or given presentations to the following organizations: University of Iowa, State of Washington Department of Ecology, Recycling Advocates, Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers (IISE), Iowa Lean Consortium, Sustainable Manufacturers Network, American Society for Quality (ASQ), American Production and Inventory Control Society (APICS), Iowa State University Center for Industrial Research and Service (CIRAS), and the Association for Manufacturing Excellence (AME). I also have a strong network of resources across the US and internationally that can assist with your specific needs. Learn more about me >>>

Presented Lean Six Sigma and the Environment at annual conference and at local chapter meetings
Helped vegan website with website issues Interviewed multiple times on podcast

We can provide a one-hour overview training on Lean Six Sigma and the Environment via web conference for free to your company, organization or green team. We can also conduct half-day, full day or week-long on-site and online training.

If you would like to learn more about our experience, have questions about the content on the site, would like to help contribute to the site, or would like us to speak or train at your location, please fill out the form below.

Want to talk on the phone or meet in person? Schedule some time with me!

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