E119: Applying Lean within Municipal Electric and Water Utilities – Interview with Jennifer Peterson

In this episode, we interview Jennifer Peterson, the manager of Continuous Improvement at Muscatine Power and Water (MPW) in Muscatine, Iowa. She discusses how she got into continuous improvement (CI) and the impact it has had on MPW employees and customers. She highlights the importance of: Jennifer also shares several examples of successful CI projects

E074: Setting Up a Lean Six Sigma Volunteer Group in Your City

In this episode, I provide more details for anyone interested in setting up a local volunteer group to provide process improvement consulting to nonprofits in your area. You can find a list of existing volunteer groups on LeanSixSigmaforGood.com I cover the following recommended steps: Find an organizer Find a small organizing group Hold kickoff meeting

EC 019: Lean and Sustainable Consortium

Summary On this podcast, I talked about a recent trip I made to Wales for the Lean and Sustainable Consortium. This was my 3rd trip to this quarterly event, and it was excellent (as usual)! We toured Welsh Water, to see how they are applying Lean and Six Sigma, along with improving their sustainability program.

Lean and Sustainable Consortium accelerates efforts for all members

I recently had the good fortune of attending the Lean and Sustainable Consortium, held near London in early March 2016. The session involved a tour of one of the consortium members, who manufactures energy equipment. The night before the tour (called a “Gemba Exchange”), we all met at the hotel and enjoyed a wonderful dinner with

Danish Lean & Green Network is Launched

This new network is the first Lean & Green network in Denmark and is established in cooperation with the British consultancy SA Partners, who will provide hands on and profound coaching. The goal is to attrach members who are leaders on both a corporate and employee level, that are operating or have the desire to