Conserve Your Energy – How Quality Practitioners Can Help Reduce Energy Costs (ASQ)
ISO 50001:2018—Energy management can help your organization create an approach to assessing its energy practices through PDCA and continuous improvement tools.
While many organizations suffer from the unexamined and wasteful costs of energy consumption as part of their hidden factory, many don’t have trained staff to help assess and reduce these costs.
Unfortunately, they miss out on some great opportunities identified to reduce expensive energy costs, such as inefficient heating and cooling systems, lighting inefficiences (overlighting space or using outdated technology), and energy consumption during nonoperational hours (leaving items running overnight or during breaks).
Quality and continuous improvement professionals can fill the gap in resources by focusing improvements in these non-traditional areas of the business, helping show the business case and opportunities to the leadership team.
3M adopted LSS methods to achieve energy efficiency improvements throughout its operations. Its comprehensive approach encompassed implementing an energy management system to eliminate inefficiencies and reduce waste. They demonstrated a commitment to best practices in energy management and sustainability.