The Wild Side of Heijunka

This article was originally posted in the Lean Green Institute website by Kelly Singer. As sea level rises due to climate change, a significant portion of alligators’ freshwater and brackish marsh habitat may face an incursion or inundation of saltwater. Heijunka is an essential practice of the Toyota Production System to maintain a stable and

Lean, Green, and Modular

This article was originally posted in the Lean Green Institute website by Kelly Singer. Traditional vehicle manufacturers have typically developed and produced new models every year to replace old, phased out models.  Perhaps a savvy sales strategy at one point, this practice not only results in a waste of valuable materials from discontinued models and parts,

Lean Green Waste: Linear Materials

This article was originally posted in the Lean Green Institute website by Kelly Singer. Most of the things we extract from the earth and manufacture end up in landfills. An estimated 90 percent of materials extracted to make durable goods in the United States become waste almost immediately in the manufacturing process. Once the product is made,