EC 048: How 8 Wastes Impact the Environment

In this podcast, I share a snippet of a talk from the Master Brewers Association of America Northwest District Spring Meeting. I spoke as part of Lean Portland, along with Matt Horvat and Maria Grzanka. The full presentation is available on podcast and video. Links EPA Toolkit (reference for slide) Master Brewers Association of America

EC 041: Lean Six Sigma Success in Government

In this podcast, I read an article I wrote for the Northwest Environmental Training Center (NWETC). The article describes past efforts and successes of Lean and Six Sigma applied to government agencies, including the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), municipalities, and state departments. I also talk about four common principles that Lean and Six Sigma use

US EPA announces new focus and structure for Lean Practices

On June 21, 2016, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released a policy statement and memorandum on applying Lean practices within the department. Lean Practices Policy and Memo (6/21/2016) In the memo, the Acting Deputy Administrator A. Stanley Meiburg provides a quick summary of the policy statement, and gives support for the Lean efforts to